Sunday, May 21, 2006


BLACK- the colour resembles the dark side of life. Life piled on life were all less whwn Ulysses was to handover his kingdom to Telemachus. So little can be done and so much remains undone. To be happy and make others happy, to smile and let others smile- yeh life thats what I owe to you. The blackboard is the prime source of our so called education. The white scratches that are drawn on the blackboard remains in the brain forever & ever. The darker side of human mind sends the most intelligent thoughts. Well love amidst all do find a dark place where the lovers are all alone. Abiding by the surrounding they speak, they laugh but deep within their heart ( the place which is hidden from others) they feel and feeel and feeeel for each other. Yes love doe grow in a place which is darker to outside world. The materialistic world surrounded by lights doesnt understand what darkness is. Creep into the night, into the galaxies and ah! you can find heaven.

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